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General Transportation book The Greenwich Streets AZ 2013 trade paperback is the printing version The Greenwich Streets AZ Database E- Book, in a compact handbook format. Print format 5” by 8”, 382 pages, is useful for quickly reading in a course field trip to contact map local resources. This second edition improved to secure gained connection of the driver to the local streets merge. Book embedded with user guide, annotation, in this edition included, at least, thousand streets presenting local geographic area. Printed and distributed Create Space by e-Store Amazon.com. Author encouraged welcome reader suggestions.
The Stamford Streets AZ handbook provide end user-guided description mapping geographical area road structure. Compilation style kept detailed view nearest street. E-book database support at least 1400 streets in the original locations. Hypertext singular data architecture developed to represent the entire region-mapping contest. Track local resources, lookup nearest street, locate best connection to the area.